“The Circus” is folding its tent. The popular political documentary show will broadcast its final episode this month after eight seasons and 130 episodes, Showtime confirmed on Tuesday. Hosted by political operatives and commentators John Heilemann, Mark McKinnon and Jennifer Palmieri, “The Circus” was born out of the 2016 presidential election cycle and brought viewers…
Former Gov. Pat McCrory used his radio show Wednesday morning to call for an investigation of North Carolina political consultants, saying they should repay federal loans they took.
parents who have spoken out against some School Board policies have recently been targeted and allegedly harassed and doxed by a Facebook group that calls itself “The Loudoun Love Warriors”
Anti-equality legal groups and anti-equality politicians are pushing legal and political attacks on our most vulnerable young people. MAGA movement political operatives are trying to win elections by stirring up fear and hatred against LGBTQ+ people.