bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now s the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare now to the political grapevine. is america an islamic country? a member of the homeland security s department advisory council says it is. the comment was made during an exchange on twitter after posting the conservative perception of islam has to evolve. the washington free beacon was the first to notice a twitter user challenged, show me just one example of an islamic country where nonmuslims are treated with equality? he responded, america. and, yes, i do consider the united states of america an islamic country with an
the political grapevine. today marked the end of what pro-choice activists called the one in three week of action. it was a national series of events aimed at destigmatizing abortion. promotors say they want to fight back against the message that women should feel ashamed or immoral for having an abortion. one in three refers to a study that says one in three women in the u.s. will at some point have an abortion. while neither side disputes the statistics, pro-life groups look at the one in three differently. marjorie told us with this new campaign the abortion lobby tries to put forth the argument that this is somehow a morally murky issue and that abortion should be normalized in our society. this is just another example of how proabortion forces put the institute of abortion above the well-being of individual women. doctors say a number of military personnel are turning to liposuction so they can pass the
and now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. turns out there s a black market for buying and selling food stamps on craigslist. fox news found a number of postings on sites offering deals like $500 in benefits for $350 cash. the coupons are not supposed to be transferred. craigslist bars the practice. unless someone flags the post, the site would probably not find out. the pentagon spent $300 million to supposedly hover over afghanistan three months at a time delivering intel. it fell eight months behind
and now to the political grapevine. death benefits for families fallen soldiers. nonessential. funding the national institute of health and cancer trials there, not essential. the conversation for public broadcasting, essential. the obama gave the cpb $445 million on the first day of the partial shutdown. that means funding of pbs news hour, npr and sesame street continues. the news drew outrage from several conservatives. anded me research center notes pbs has hosted two favorable interviews with president obama in the last weeks. it certainly looks like you
now some pickings from the political grapevine. the government kept spending money on items you might not consider so essential. the state department awarded the $5 million contract for crystal stem and bar ware. they told said the times was not unusual. they are demanding the va explain its purchase of $562,000 in artwork at the end of fiscal year 2013. the va told us the art does not have anything to do with the end of the spending year and is part of a larger plan to improve the veteran experience. monday a week into the shutdown,