Health experts believe that providing smokers less harmful alternatives will be more effective in reducing smoking than the World Health Organization s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommendations prohibiting them while cigarettes remain available.
The summit, which gathered researchers and world leaders together at Anthems, the capital city of Greece, from September 25-26, also had online participants
Strategies that provide smokers with less harmful alternatives to cigarettes are far more likely to reduce smoking than the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommendations to prohibit them while cigarettes .
At this very moment, Helen Woodward Animal Center professionals are on a journey of over 5,000 miles, flying to meet with animal welfare advocates in Edinburgh, Scotland. Through The Business of Saving Lives, the Center has demonstrated its dedication to saving the lives of orphan pets, not only within its San Diego-based facility, but within shelters and rescues across the globe. Today, Helen Woodward Animal Center leaders are on their way to conference with Scottish shelter groups working towa