The state-organized presence of neo-Nazis within the Ukrainian army is not anecdotal, even if it is not possible to quantify it in a (.) [Voltaire Network]
Ahead of the prosecutor’s appeal tomorrow against the decision to acquit three women charged with “offending religious beliefs” for possessing and distributing posters depicting the Virgin Mary with an LGBTI rainbow halo, Amnesty International’s Senior Campaigner for Europe, Catrinel Motoc, said: “This case is emblematic of a number of disturbing anti-human rights trends in Poland. […]
Ahead of the prosecutor’s appeal tomorrow against the decision to acquit three women charged with “offending religious beliefs” for possessing and distributing posters depicting the Virgin Mary with an LGBTI rainbow halo, Amnesty International’s Senior Campaigner for Europe, Catrinel Motoc, said: “This case is emblemat
Ahead of the prosecutor’s appeal tomorrow against the decision to acquit three women charged with “offending religious beliefs” for possessing and distributing posters depicting the Virgin Mary with an LGBTI rainbow halo, Amnesty International’s Senior Campaigner for Europe, Catrinel Motoc, said: “This case is emblematic of a number of disturbing anti-human rights trends in Poland. […]