Donald Trump told a real whopper this week and we’ve got fresh proof right here. What we can show is that when Donald Trump made deceptive phone calls over decades posing as a Trump Organization vice president named “John Miller” or “John Barron” he was not always puffing up his reputation as…
Based on conversations with author and psychotherapist Gregorz Dzedzić, who is part of the Polish diaspora in Chicago, as well as the diary entries of generations of Polish immigrants, journalist Joanna Dzikowska has crafted a narrative that characterizes the history of the community, from its beginnings to its modern-day assimilation.
Picking up a Polish sausage to make at home is simple almost everywhere in the country. But then there are places like Chicago, where the sheer number of options almost boggles the mind. Sure, we have national brands like Ekrich and Johnsonville, but thanks to hundreds of thousands of Polish immigrants, Chicago has shops making traditional varieties of kielbasa by hand. These are the excellent .
Finding a great Polish sausage in Chicago is like spotting a “W” flag when the Cubs win or a pothole on Western Avenue: comically easy. Explaining precisely what a Chicago-style Polish sausage is takes a little more time. Despite the name, you won’t find one inside Chicago’s many great Polish sausage shops, like Andy’s Deli or Kurowski’s Sausage Shop. There you’ll encounter dozens of kinds of .