maintain eye contact. the government here even has an online video tutorial on what to do. we were told there was this crisis manual in the works trier to the war but when russian invaded ukraine, the polish government pivoted to this survival guide. hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. therefore, do not panic but be aware this may happen. no one buys a fire extinguisher when his house would start to burn. this comes as poland just purchased 250 abram tanks from the u.s. to deter russian aggression and something else interesting we found in the book, instructions to pols not to fight with just anyone in uniform because they could be allied troops. there you go. sandra: aishah, quite
video tutorials on this now and we re told that there was already a crisis manual in the works prior to the war. but then when russia invaded ukraine, the polish government pivoted to this survival guide. we urge you to be prepared to move to another place. this must be done, of course, with appropriate preparation of the commence, appropriate instruments and tools for survival. the time where we were tied to our place of resident should end because perhaps it will be a place where it is dangerous and our safety is the most important thing. all of this comes as poland just purchased 250 abrams tanks from the u.s. to deter russian aggression. polish officials tell me here on the ground that this book is not meant to create panic. they want to prepare the nation. they want unity, they want people to be on board and