Jammu: With all arrangements in place, the polling for second phase of ongoing Lok Sabha elections is all set to commence on April 26 in the 5 Jammu Parliamentary Constituency.
the hearing. not only do they want to hear from the director of the u.s. secret service, mark sullivan, what happened in columbia. this is the first time we ll hear publicly from the director himself. but also what the secret service investigation has found, and then the lingering question, many lingering questions, of is there a pattern here or a culture that has been many questions been raised within the secret service that the secret service should have seen this coming as senator lieberman has said. listen first here to the chairman. it is hard for many people, including me, i will admit, to believe that on one night in april 2012, in columbia, 12 secret service agents there to protect the president suddenly and spontaneously did something they or other agents had never done before. which is gone out in groups of two, three, or four to four different nightclubs or strip clubs, drink to excess, and then bring foreign national women back to their hotel rooms. now, i wil