Bruce, as we called the imposing president of Monmouth College from 1980 to 1994, had the external demeanor of a British aristocrat, but he was a true believer in America and American culture.
BCSC releases plan for next semester
BCSC announced its plans Tuesday evening via a public statement on its website.
The hybrid learning model, as approved by the school board in October, splits students into two groups by last name. Secondary students with surnames A-K will attend in person on Monday and Tuesday and do eLearning Wednesday through Friday. Secondary students L-Z will do eLearning Monday through Wednesday and attend in person Thursday and Friday.
Superintendent Jim Roberts said that both elementary and secondary students will have the option to do remote learning five days a week.
At a recent school board meeting, he said that enrollment forms for the school corporation’s BRIDGE remote learning option were recently sent out to parents of elementary school students. The deadline for these forms was Dec. 16, and elementary school parents, if they enrolled their students in BRIDGE, were asked to commit to doing so “for all of the third nine weeks.”