yeah, they tried to do other thing. they ve tinkered around the edges. it is not the only bill they passed. it is a signature accomplishment with obamacare repeal gobbling down the tubes earlier. it is a squandered opportunity in a number of respects. on this particular one, you got to look long-term to the goal of the policy. the goal of the policy s permanence and stability and predictability in the tax system, which is very good for businesses, which is why they were made permanent, and they should be made permanent for the middle-class as well. if you can get that win, get the win. you can still come into your point, martha, explain to votern the red states, when the rubberg tax cut for president trump, these democrats, like they so often do, all voted no and now they are trying to do a makeup call. you can do both of those things, make that argument to voters, and get the policy victory notch. martha: . the devil republicans to be against tax cuts. i want to get this economist