george clooney on evidence he says he has of war crimes. and a look at what we can learn from health care around the world. a preview of a new gps special that premieres tonight at 8:00 p.m. first here s my take. when he was in college in the early 80s as part of a student organization, i invited ronald reagan s defense secretary, casper weinberger, to give a speech on campus. at the time american colleges were hotbeds to the reagan administration especially to its defense policies. sure enough, as he began to speak, a series of students stood up and began to heckle. one after another, they rose and chanted a single line, deterrence is a lie. i was reminded of that turbulent meeting because i have been listening to these debates over iran s nuclear ambitions because it highlights a strange role reversal in today s foreign policy discourse. it used to be the left that refused to accept the idea of deterrence. searching instead for options like the nuclear freeze. and it
euroeurozone, the stock market. if you re advising the administration to pursue any sort of policy path, what would it be? well, the administration is in some measure waiting for the deficit super committee to reveal its hand, and i m not yet clear whether they are going to come up with the goods. the big problem for the united states is to get its fiscal house in order before doubt creeps in about its long-term viability, and at this point it s an extraordinarily slow and painful process. i wish the united states would get ahead of this game the way the british government did because it s much better to deal with fiscal imbalances before the bond market loses faith in you. as you see in greece and other countries in europe, once you ve lost credibility you re in a death spiral so that s the biggest issue for the u.s., and i suspect we ll finally get there. i always quote winston churchill. i do in civilization. the united states always does the right thing when all the alternative
sem bassembly and full utilizat. it s a marvelous facility that i trust will bring great returns in the future, no matter what policy path we go down in the coming years. interesting perspective. both here on earth and also up at the international space station. so our top three today, this is sort of related. this the coolest nasa accomplishments ever. we start number three with the space shuttle program. it may be aging and about to be retired. but when you come down to it the shuttle is a plane that can sfli into space and that s pretty cool. our number two. i ve got one word for you, tang. tang chosen for the astronauts. have a blast. have some tang. we know nasa didn t actually in vent tang but the astronaut s use of it made what amounts to powdered orange juice cool for kids. that s a major accomplishment. but the coolest nasa
we are onboard the current chapter of space exploration right now, the international space station. as we ve said it s a magnificent facility. we plan on utilizing it for many years to come. we re just transitioning from assembly into full utilization right now and it is a marvelous facility that i trust will bring great returns in the future no matter what policy path we go down in the coming years. and then finally, jeff, t.j. and soichi, how long are you going to be up there? when are you coming home? well, thank you for asking that question because i ve been here since the end of december, max and i, and we return in less than two weeks now. we re ready to go home. we ve been here a long time away from our families and we re ready to get back to earth and home and join our families. soichi and i launched just
idea that he s responding to this book and tweeting in this way almost incessantly and really going back to the 2016 campaign-style donald trump, that tells us that he s at least feeling unstable and unfocused. and i don t know how republicans who are there in camp david who are trying to get him to talk about infrastructure, who are trying to get him to talk about the wall and immigration and welfare reform, i don t know how they tear him away from twitter to say, look, we really need to focus on these things, because right now this president is very angry and he s continuing to watch cable news. pema, i want to ask you about the policy path forward. that s what they were discussing at camp david over the weekend. there was a long list of things he said he d like to prioritize, including immigration and daca. of course, he has to figure out how to keep the government funded as well. what s your sense of what this white house wants to prioritize? and there was a lot of rhetoric here