based on my conversations, mexico now seeming to be open to discussing some compromises on those key areas. areas that were once red line. what does this mean? as you point out, president trump has been clear, if there is no deal on monday. he is set to impose those tariffs. mike pence traveling today in welcome. he struck a note of optimism, he made it clear, until there s a deal, those tariffs are still going into place. the president announced 5% tariffs will be imposed on mondays on all goods coming in from mexico. that s the policy of the united states. the president has said what he means and he meant what he said. we made that clear to the mexican delegation yesterday, that for anything to change. either before or after monday. mexico has to step up. mexico has to take decisive action to end this surge of
brian: former obama officials reportedly working behind the scenes with iran? the daily beast reporting that one of these officials advised the iranians to quote don t he is can late and take trump s bait. tensions escalate as they don t take trump s bait though. here with growing outrage is house armed services committee member congressman michael waltz of florida. also, as you know, worked with dick cheney, so he knows what s inside washington, knows what it s like on the ground in battle. this outraged you, why? because it s essentially working directly with a foreign hostile power to undermine a u.s. negotiating position. both the president and secretary pompeo have been clear that they are open to talks but they want a better deal than we had the iran deal and the means to drive the iranians back to the table is economic and diplomats i can isolation. well, when you provide a back door to that isolation, i are directly undermining the power of attorney policy
our front door are people fleeing violence and poverty. but, congresswoman, not all of those people are people we re going to let in. right. just because they re fleeing violence doesn t mean that our borders are open. we have to have secure borders. they are legally requesting protection. they re going through a process that is legal in the united states. what the president has tried to do is use cruelty as a way to prevent them from coming. to deter them fromming. that should not be the de facto policy of the united states. we have to address the large numbers of people seeking asylum legally. our federal enforcement agencies have not adapted to the changing
should be concerned about no matter what country you are in. i say flu, let s start with flu season, these are unvac sin nateed people. let s try to vaccinate them. i m on tv vaccinate everyone in the united states no one is vac sin nateed at the border. they are going to spread influenza and respiratory. these are humanitarian crisis but diseases other health problems our hospitals aren t equipped to deal with 8-year-old boy was sent out from new mexico hospital with what i think was probably the flu. that s the hospital s fault. border patrol is getting a lot of heat for that they are not physicians and think have 1500 emts, emergency medical technicians working for the border patrol that are there to screen people and get them to hospitals. but then the hospitals have to have the ability to take care of it. pete: all politicized. this young boy dies which we all agree is a tragedy. suddenly it s the policy of the united states. how do we get past that. we get passed that by
the policy of the united states? i think secretary of state mike pompeo addressed that previous live and i ll stily an his remarks. thank you very much. thank you, boaambassador bol. fema in coordination with the federal communication commission will conduct a nationwide integrated public alert and warning system test of the emergency alert system and the wireless emergency alerts later today. this will take place in two parts, the wea portion at 2:18 followed by the eas portion at 2:20 p.m. this is the first nationwide wea test and fourth for the eas. the overall test will assess the operational readiness of the infrastructure for distribution of a national message and determine whether technological improvements are needed. looking ahead to monday, president trump will travel to orlando, florida to address the international association of chiefs of police. as the largest gathering of