WASHINGTON — Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth has issued a memorandum that rescinds all policies associated with the DoD COVID-19 vaccination mandate. In accordance with the memorandum:
the president, while popular with his base, is losing ground. the orbreaking news is the u.s. air force acknowledging they made a major mistake in not notifying the fbi about this devin kelley s criminal background, served a year in a military brig, in a military prison, for abusing his wife, stepchild, a little baby boy, slapping that little baby boy with who knows the kind of permanent damage that may have been caused. a statement the air force put out. the initial statements indicate it was not entered into the national information criminal center data base, by the office of special investigations. an inspector general review is underway. there s a couple things to think about. i sat at headquarters at the cia and fbi when you establish policy implementing policy is