mr. president, i ve got two more questions i want to try to get to. even the prep for this interview must have been extraordinary if there was any. typically in a convention counsel white house, you would have a team sitting down with the president talking about even putting this interview on the calendar. and making sure there was a goal that was trying to be achieved, a message he wanted to deliver to a particular audience. a memo a day or two in advance with the topics expect to come up in the interview. you would have an inperson briefing immediately before the interview where the president woesz gather senior members of his team, policy exterritories, you would have the national security adviser there to make sure he had the latest information he could convey on national division. in this case, it s clear the white house staff was watching the interview on television just like of else as trump paced the halls of the white house residence in his bathrobe. why do you think, senato