inside school buildings. all as part of a community-oriented policing program. the justice department is also providing funds to pay for two school safety officers in newtown, connecticut, schools. but do these measures truly make students feel safe at school? i m joined now by chicago state university student, dennis johnson, of the black youth project. barnard college student and authority, tiffany, ross floyd, co-founder of the chicago student s union, and israel munoz, who is also a co-founder of the chicago s student union. thank you all for being here. dennis, i want to start with you. do you agree there with mr. lapierre that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun? an eye for an eye makes you blind. you don t respond to violence with violence, and you don t put more police officers in a school. it s bad enough when you walk into a school now, it feels like you re walking through the cook county jail.
realistic plan to do that. regina he suggested repealing obama care and get rid of dod frank and then get the government out of he want to do a lot more. it is an len page document. it is not just eliminating those agencies but reduces funding for preschool programs for impoverished kid and eliminates the policing program that was put in place in the 1990s that led to a decrease in crime nationwide. they are cutting low to middle income and he wants to extend the bush tax cuts and repeal all taxes on the states. and repeal whole heartedly on dod frarching. and those