or we want to return to our ward top story breaking news out of the u.k. british police announcing that two people in wiltshire have been poisoned with the nerve agent nobody joke let s listen to part of what police said just moments ago. earlier today deputy chief constable gold medals for the bullshit police gave an update on the situation however i can confirm tonight that that has been a significant development and that the counter-terrorism policing network is now leading the investigation into this incident. this evening i ve received test results from poll that showed that the two people up exposed to the nerve agent not the truck. at approximately ten fifteen am on saturday but. the southwest ambulance service was called. all right that was the british police there saying that
trains for the first time, extra security added for major sporting events this weekend, including the f.a. cup final at wembley stadium. we have hundreds of officers that are working on this investigation with the policing network, we have seized thousands of exhibits now being assessed. i think it s fair to say that there s been enormous progress for the investigation but still an awful lot of work to do. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson was in london meeting with his british counterpart saying hearts are broken across the u.s. over this fraj di. he also took responsibility for the intelligence likes that led to a brief lid on information sharing between britain and the u.s. but that lid has now been lifted. leland: rick leventhal in manchester, thank you. heather? heather: treasure secretary steve mnuchin wants congress to increase the debt limit with no springs attached.