the democrats. for some and even sharpton is trying to reach for some way of justifying at aljustifyil. ? but his solution. well, to focus on this, king thi the thing that is making this competitive is the the supreme court decision on women s right to choose and the fact that donald trump won t leave lau the stage. well, reverend, if that s your strategy, then keep it going because you re going toto kiss the hispanic vote goodbye. new data from the pew researchrh center shows that abortion ranks seventh in the list ofon s top issues for hispanic voters.e the number one issue, nlike for everybody else, is , of course, something he won t talk about the economy. joining us now is monica de la cruz, who s a texas congressional candidate, and horace cooper national center for public policy, senior felloer w, author ofauthor o the new book, put y all back in chains how biden s policies harm blacks. monica, what are voters telling