married. he seemed proud of it? yes. he was very proud of his lifestyle, and bragged about it to people that he could brag about it too and not get in trouble. his conquest included a witness and a criminal case, and a woman charged with writing hot checks. he even hit on a rape victim who had come to the police department seeking help. so he clearly was not happy in the marriage. i think he was perfectly happy in the marriage. he had what he wanted. he wanted to be married, and particularly mary to which woman that could keep him up to the style which she had become accustomed, and he wanted the freedom to have all the coffins that she wanted. the money largely came from york s mother and helped by the half million dollar home. the kind the policeman and a teacher could hardly afford on their own salaries. hardly affeach and every one ofm talked about how much he was
coloration took in, and because weight was such a huge issue for him. he was the obsessed with? the yeah, he was. in fact he was so militant about her weight that for more than a decade of their marriage, he denied her the one thing she wanted most in life, a child. kristie asked vicky about that once, and couldn t believe the response. she didn t even answer, she just turned around and she went to her wallet and pulled out this picture of herself. she showed it to, me and she said, bobby makes me carry this picture of myself to reminds me of how fast i used to be. he doesn t want me to get pregnant, because he doesn t want me to get fat. this was about making sure that vicky was healthy, this was to make sure that vicky was thin. then. appearances were so important to him. not just make his appearance, his own as well. he was obsessed with his body, and body image in terms of always working, our having to be buff, looking good. looking back, richard said
eventually changed as well, he joined the police academy and in time he did it look so bad either. when he went into the police academy he got buffed up and on a tactical squad, he had these camo looking gear, guns stopped all over the place and he looked very official. it was pretty cool-looking, i have to admit, i was a little jealous. they were two young lovers in the lone star state who were coming into their own together. at a time there was a wedding, and of course careers. vicky became an elementary school teacher and a good one at that, says a fellow teacher christie. i admired how she could have this cluster management because to get a bunch of fifth graders to not only lineup and state and line and walk down the hall, but they did it with love and respect. they did it because they loved her. the only person who appeared more loyal to vicky, was bobby,
blood tell you? that she had been deceased for a substantial amount of time. it seemed vicky couldn t have been alive just a half an hour earlier, the way bobby had said. he had a pretty good sense from the get-go that night that something wasn t right? sure, i think anyone who walks into that scene is going to think the same thing, something does not fit right, it does not feel right. but the piece that really didn t fit was bob s farewell to vicky. bobby told, me i want to see her before they take, or the medical examiner stopped the stretcher she was being wheeled out, on the body bags was unzipped, and then bobby uttered the strangest thing. all of a sudden he looks at her, he says, take care. take care? he turns, and he walks in the house. yeah, for someone to take care, and walk back inside like nothing happened, i thought that was really cold. maybe reality staring back from a body bag was too much for bobby to bear, maybe being
a detective had left him heart into death, or maybe bobby didn t really care about thank you the way everyone had thought. as night turned into don, an investigators pored over the scene, not a single piece of evidence pointed one way or the other. accident? suicide? or homicide? vicky s final moments were a mystery. but there was nothing mysterious about what bobby had been up to. coming up i said well, the problem with that, bobby, most guys that are married, they don t date. when dateline continues. when dateline continues abor day sale. shop indoor and outdoor area rugs up to 70% off. cooking must haves up to 60% off. and kitchen and bathroom upgrades from $19.99. shop our labor day sale now through sept 7th. (brad) how does apartments-dot-com create the most eye-tingling virtual tours around? watch this: activate shrink suit. (kevin) ahh!