Gaduh Soal Sumbangan Rp 2 Triliun Akidi Kio, Kapolda Sumsel Minta Maaf Akui Kurang Hati-hati
Ia mengatakan, sebagai seorang manusia ia tidak terlepas dari kesalahan. Untuk itu, ia sebagai pribadi dan Kapolda Sumsel memohon maaf.
Kamis, 5 Agustus 2021 14:29 Editor:
Kapolda Sumsel Irjen Pol Eko Indra Heri (Kiri) dan Heriyanti, anak bungsu mendiang Akidi Tio (kanan). Gaduh soal sumbangan Rp 2 triliun Akidi Kio, Kapolda Sumsel minta maaf akui kurang hati-hati.
TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Sumbangan Rp 2 Triliun yang dijanjikan keluarga Akidi Tio masih menjadi perbincangan publik.
Sebelumnya, polisi menyebut saldo rekening Heriyanti tak mencukupi untuk memberikan bantuan sesuai yang dijanjikan.
Diketahui, bantuan Rp 2 Trilun itu rencananya akan diserahkan untuk membantu penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di Sumatera Selatan.
the demonstrators, saying that she s here to support and stand with her friends. she said she had friends in the crowd. it was important for her to show the people that showed up here today that the police stands with them,ny th they understand want change, they understand things aren t perfect, but they understand things are getting better. i spoke with an activist who marched in the 1960s. he s a famous activist and a comedian. he was saying that some people are calling this the modern civil rights movement. it s not. he says that things have gotten better. there s no one here out here that s afraid for their safety. there s no one here that is being assaulted by the police. this is a demonstration, a peaceful demonstration. people have shown up. and you were talking about you could hear a pin drop. look at everybody s face is in that direction. this isn t you don t see people on their phones looking at their phones. you see everybody looking at the speakers up there on the stage.