The BJP on Sunday staged dharnas in front of the West Bengal Assembly and the office of Malda Superintendent of Police in protest against the alleged assault and stripping of two women at a marketplace in the district.
The ethnic violence in Manipur that erupted on May 3 and has left over 160 dead has been largely fueled by rumors and fake news, according to officials from various security agencies who have been monitoring the situation in the restive northeastern state.
Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal on Saturday said the only way forward in Manipur is to sack Chief Minister N Biren Singh and impose President’s rule in the state.
The BJP alleged on Saturday that two tribal women were stripped naked and tortured a few days ago in West Bengal while police remained a mute spectator .
Several Naga civil society organisations in Manipur, including the powerful United Naga Council, All Naga Students’ Association Manipur (ANSAM) and Naga People’s Front, have strongly condemned the inhuman act committed against the two women by a mob on May 4.