A security lapse at a leading school safety company that exposed millions of sensitive records online — including districts’ active-shooter response plans, students’ medical records and court documents about child abuse — has revived criticism that an industry student privacy pledge fails to police bad actors. In response to an inquiry by The 74, the […]
Despite heightened concerns about campus safety since the pandemic, in many ways America’s public schools are safer today than they were a decade ago, federal campus crime data released Wednesday reveal. Yet in one startling way, they’ve grown exponentially more dangerous: An unprecedented growth in school shootings. There were a record 188 school shootings resulting […]
Less than a month after a gunman killed 17 people at his former high school in Parkland, Florida, lawmakers required an armed official be stationed at every K-12 school statewide. The intent after the 2018 Valentine’s Day massacre was clear: Schools are acutely vulnerable targets and the only way to stop a bad guy with […]