Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar assured Sonali Phogat s family of a CBI probe into actor s death, Phogat s sister Rupesh said after meeting CM Khattar in Chandigarh.
Panaji, Aug. 27 (IANS): The Goa Police on Saturday arrested a drug peddler and a restaurant owner in connection with the murder case of Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat. “Drug peddler Dattaprasad Gaonkar and restaurant owner Edwin Nunes were arrested today,” Deputy Superintendent of Police Jivba Dalvi told IANS. Police sources said Gaonkar, who had allegedly supplied drugs to the accused persons arrested earlier, was detained on Saturday morning for questioning. Later, he and Edwin Nunes, owner of Curlies restaurant in Anjuna, where Sonali Phogat had partied before her death, was also arrested. A court in Goa on Saturday granted a 10-day police custody of Sudhir Sangwan (PA of Phogat) and Sukhwinder Singh, the two accused persons arrested in the murder case. So far, four arrests have been made. Inspector General of Police Omvir Singh Bishnoi said that Sangwan has confessed to the crime stating that after reaching Goa, he along with Singh took Phogat to Curlies on the pretex
The family of the deceased Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sonali Phogat is likely to meet Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar in Chandigarh, her brother-in-law Kuldeep Phogat informed.