Additional Director General Police Jammu Zone Mukesh Singh on Wednesday chaired a meeting with officials of security agencies and civil administration in the run-up to the Independence day to discuss the security arrangements."At the outset of .
Jammu Tawi, Feb 12: Additional Director General of Police (Jammu Zone) Mukesh Singh on Sunday called for maximum effort to neutralise terrorists and their overground workers active in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district. Singh was speaking at a joint security review meeting in Rajouri the border district where seven people, including two children, were
Uniindia: Jammu, July 3 (UNI) Displaying an act of bravery and courage, the inhabitants of village Tuksin Dhok apprehend two most wanted terrorists with arms and ammunition in Reasi District of Jammu and Kashmir, officials informed on Sunday.
Uniindia: Jammu, June 7 (UNI) Alert troops of Jammu police have shot down a drone spotted close to an international border and brought down the payload attached with it in and found magnetic improvised explosive devices in Kanhachak sector of Jammu.