The city police have found clues about the perpetrators who had looted Rs 22.48 lakh from the zonal branch of Punjab National Bank located in Rani Ka Bagh area here on Thursday.
Jails have become a breeding ground for cross-border smugglers and gangsters, while concerned authorities and the state government has failed to curb the easy availability of prohibited materials, including cell phones and drugs, in the high security jails.
Lovepreet Singh, a tempo traveller driver, was shot at by four persons on the busy Queens road area near Crystal chowk on Thursday evening. He had come to drop tourists after picking them from the airport.
Going by the new directions issued by the district administration, the Amritsar police would not face a peculiar problem of getting drug addicts, caught by them while consuming drugs, admitted to the Swami Vivekanand Drug De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre at Government Medical College (GMC) her
The police have arrested a notorious criminal, Sonu Cylinder, in connection with firing at a hotelier in the posh Ranjit Avenue area on April 17 here. He already has several criminal cases registered against him.