Health minister hails doctor who interfered after officers shocked 21-year-old in midst of apparent psychotic episode and refused to discharge him until cops were replaced
A 21-year-old Palestinian detainee in Israeli custody was tased by two Israeli officers last week while he was handcuffed to a hospital bed at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. The hospital authori.
It's like we've been taken over by a deranged, masochistic demolition squad. Except that the coalition's Jewish supremacists, empowered by Netanyahu, know exactly what they're doing
A day after Tel Aviv's Yasam officers cheered Yair Hanuna as he arrived for questioning in probe, Kobi Shabtai says police must be 'apolitical' and must not protest state bodies
Far-right lawmaker Yitzhak Wasserlauf seeks court order instructing Baharav-Miara to explain her 'selective enforcement,' and accuses her of 'shirking her duties'