To as amended. And without objection, each of the measures as amended is ordered favorably reported as a single amendment in the nature of a substitute. Staff is directed to make any technical and conforming changes. And that concludes our business for today. I want to thank Ranking Member engel and all our Committee Members for their assistance in this markup. The committee is adjourned. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] earlier today, nancy pelosi help her weekly briefing. Here are some of her remarks. Stunt. Fact is this is a this is a political stunt. Issa just a damaged goods. They had to move from into another venue with another chairman. That is what this is. . Regularthe order. Does the minority have a right to call witnesses. They try to use the climate and Energy Select community. It was only established that we can have a couple of bills duns
Tuesday. The gun control thing is so tough. It is one of these cultural political issues where you have a ferociously well organized opposition, and a more diffuse common sense broader population. And i think that that is where the tension is. That also by the way is not the well organized interest plus the common sense diffusion is not just limited to guns. Its but, tom, talk more about guns. As you remember the assault weapons ban in 1994, it passes the house by four votes. And that was a democratic house. And by the way, it had a lot of loopholes of it. I brought a copy of a magazine that i get called shotgun news. Almost the entire this is for people who own guns and are gun collectors and some are gun nuts. Not all of them, obviously. But the fact is, its all about what we call assault weapons. And there are lots of variations on it. This entire publication is dedicated to the idea that there are lots of new what they call platforms for ar 15s. And there are ways that you can chan
We are looking at what using across the country in relation to the laws affect the marijuana. Of businesses will start with some Opening Statements of myself and other members that wish to be recognized. Finish with that, we have two panels this morning. We have the delicate from the district. Them first. From then we have a panel of four witnesses that we will hear from wethe second panel will stop gather today, and i will start out by saying i read the opening and in fulfilling an important responsibility of the investigativee and oversight role of the committee. By the peoplere not only to legislate on some manners but also to investigate the oversight to roll in the house of representatives. To be the senior member, having served longer than anyone else on the committee. It fulfills an Important Role in keeping government accountable and responsive. Todays hearing relates to the District Of Columbia. I know there have been some public pronouncements of what is this committee doing
In Southern California. We provide classes, we provide performances, we provide values, wec have workshops as well as a bookstore which is a very important part ofng. The whole literacy arts work that we do. Host whats your role . Guest well, im one of the cofounders. Ar im also president of the board, and its actually run by a wonderful staff. Mostly young people, but headed by my wife, trini, whos operations director, and we have tons of volunteers. Its a very Strong Community place. Volunteers here it is a very Strong Community. Host do you run your prester here as well . Guest just, we have depressed emotions around for 25 years. Now we have the books we sell here. We also publish the book so the prices very much integral to what happens here. Host Luis Rodriguez, how did you get to be chairman of the board of the Cultural Center . Where did you begin your life . Guest you know, starting from the beginning, i started in mexico, even though i was born in el paso. A family was from c
Rich in books, including always running in his 2011 release that caused that. Host host of 39 where are we . Ar at the bookstore in california. It is a multi arts and music Dance Theater writing pla . Guest cymbal players, music, dance, theater, writing. We provide classes, performances, festivals. We have workshops as well as bookstores, which is a very important part of the whole litter is the art that we do. Host what is your role . Guest i am one of the cofounders, also president of the board and is also run by nasa, mostly young people, but had it been my wife who is operations director. We have time volunteers here it is a very strong community. Host do you run your prester here as well . Guest just, we have depressed emotions around for 25 years. Now we have the books we sell here. We also publish the book so the prices very much integral to what happens here. Host Luis Rodriguez, how did you get to be chairman of the board of the Cultural Center . Where did you begin your life