Police in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested a 37-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of killing his 89-year-old grandmother at her home on Thursday. According to police, Naoya Miwa has admitted to stabbing his grandmother Hayako twice in the chest with a kitchen knife at around 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, Kyodo…
Police in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested two 15-year-old boys on suspicion of robbing a home belonging to an 82-year-old man. According to police, the two suspects broke into the house sometime between late January and Feb 21 while the owner was away on a trip and stole items worth…
Police in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested a 36-year-old woman on suspicion of abusing her 8-year-old daughter by hitting her with a belt. According to police, the suspect, who is a Brazilian national, beat her daughter on the back and neck several times at around 6 p.m. on Wednesday at…
Police in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested a 32-year-old train station employee who claimed he was injured by a knife-wielding man in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, earlier this month, for making a bogus report. The employee, Seiji Ujihara, claimed the so-called attack occurred in the employee lounge at Ogaki Station on…