In a breakthrough in the Nature Heights Infra Limited scam, Punjab Police has apprehended the prime suspect, Neeraj Thathai alias Neeraj Arora, who had been evading arrest for nearly a decade, and was facing more than a hundred cases. Thathai was apprehended in a joint operation conducted by the
Binder Singh and Harmandeep Kaur belonged to different districts in Punjab. The police said they are unaware of why they travelled to the Faridkot school to die by suicide.
A Punjab Police sniffer dog, deployed to track down criminals and locate hidden bombs, has survived cancer and is back on duty to ensure public safety, police said on Friday.The police said the labrador assists in anti-sabotage checking and has .
Four people, including the husband of a sarpanch, were killed after two groups allegedly opened fire at each other over a land dispute in Punjab’s Gurdaspur district on Monday, police said.