Straight into the building, into the call Screening Room where interns and producers are usually there. Seconds earlier, who knows what would have happened. I know this, adam is not a stuff guy. He scares. He jumped. All of us would have been if we were in the same situation. I started shaking. Can you imagine a car is going to drivethrough your building. I went in there to open the door and he was wedged there with his chest on the steering wheel. He was butt embarrassed. He has to be mortified. He says he was trying to avoid a pedestrian. Well take him at his word. We have to get twit pics. We have a breaking news story. It happened in front of us. He was shaken up. No bumps or bruises or anything. He got out of the car and seemed all right. E took out not just one room. Two rooms in this office are done. We all got lucky and dodged a bullet or dodged a car. Were going to cooleys house. Reporter normally, theres an intern who sits here and a call screener who sits here. Thank goodnes