Gina Barton and Ashley Luthern, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
4:03 pm UTC Feb. 27, 2021
Gina Barton and Ashley Luthern, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
4:03 pm UTC Feb. 27, 2021
Detective Steve Wells had his instructions: Question real estate developer Kalan Haywood Sr. about the sexual assault allegation against him, and do it soon.
Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales had asked Haywood to serve on the board of a new fundraising organization, the Milwaukee Police Foundation, but the chief didn’t want someone with a criminal case hanging over his head.
The detective quickly reviewed the reports of lead investigator Zachary Thoms, who was on vacation, then scheduled an interview with Haywood. It would take place on the afternoon of Aug. 13, 2019, just hours before the foundation’s board was scheduled to meet.