yes, he s running fo reelection, for the same reasons he ran against donal trump in 2020, because republican extremists are stil threatening american democracy - that s been the work of my first term to fight for our democracy it shouldn t be a revolution t protect our rights, to mak sure that everyone in this country is treated equally i that everyone is given a fai shot at making it. but, yo know, around the country, maga extremists are lining up t take away those bedroc freedoms, cutting social security that you paid for you entire life while cutting taxe for the very wealthy, dictatin what health care decisions whe can make, banning books an telling people who they ca love all while making it mor difficult for you to be able t vote now, polls show donald trump, the twice impeached and no indicted former presiden remains the front runner for the republican nomination. president biden s announcement video eludes to the former guy with images of the capitol insurrection
campaign is going to be very close some, some of them exceedingly close, as it was back in 2016 that s what we need to b prepared for there are some things we know joe biden is going to be the democratic nominee we know there is going to be 6 to 8 states that will determin the presidency basically, governors races i those states too determine the presidency. and we know that joe biden is going to have a opponent and no one company - i don t care if your pol rating is 60, which isn really happen anymore for president or 42 you can t have it be a referendum on you. you have to turn it into a choice, so you can be proud of what you have done, you can be proud of what you are saying you are going to do into the next four years. you ve got to turn it into a searing choice for the america people and i think raise the stakes on democracy, on civil rights, on the rights of women to make their own health care decisions, on al the things that this current republican party stands for. some