The Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand (ACT) has issued a statement condemning the circumstances surrounding the case of an alleged maid-abusing police corporal.
A probe by the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc)'s Region 4 Forward Command has found a police corporal, accused of abusing her maid, had been assigned a temporary role at the agency despite there being no record of her actually performing any duties.
The Royal Thai Police (RTP) has launched a fact-finding probe to delve into the details of how a police corporal, who is accused of abusing her maid, won a state job.
Deputy police spokesman, Kissana Phathanacharoen, made a slip of the tongue when talking to the media about the case of Pol Cpl Kornsasi Buayaem, who is accused of abusing her maid, a former army soldier.
The Secretariat of the Senate has assigned an ethics committee to probe whether a senator had abused his power to help his alleged mistress, a police corporal accused of abusing her maid, get a state job.