On June 15, 1991, Carin Streufert, an 18-year-old Grand Rapids college student, went to Perkins Restaurant with friends. Although it was 2:30 a.m., she elected to walk home alone. After all, this is Grand Rapids, what could possibly happen? As she walked along Pokegama Avenue, just south of the bridge, a car slowed and stopped. It contained two young men. One was James Swanson and the other was Guy Sullivan. Once Carin was in their car, they drove south to rural Aitkin County. There they brutally raped her, shot her in the head and concealed her body in a wooded area.
By morning, her parents were very concerned when she had not yet returned home. They called authorities and the search for Carin began. Information surfaced that James Sullivan was involved in the disappearance. Law enforcement officers were pulling out all stops trying to find Carin. One of these officers was now retired Grand Rapids Police Chief Harvey Dahline, another retired Itasca County Sheriff Pat Medure. There
April 27, 1901-The mining interests at this end of the Range are now receiving considerable attention at the hands of capitalists and others interested in iron ore. The prospects for the discovery of iron ore mines in this vicinity are encouraging.
April 27, 1901-Bicyclists in the village of Grand Rapids are warned not to ride on the sidewalks by town marshals.
April 26, 1911-Vincent Murphy of Minneapolis, a logging foreman for the International Logging Co. was found dead in the woods near Stanley, located in Wirt Township, with two bullet holes in the back. Sheriff Riley arrested Vincent Wood as a suspect in the murder.
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It is the middle of another long Minnesota winter and I think most of us are looking forward to spring. Maybe there are some, such as avid snowmobilers, who are