they would fight the french. they get possessed by their spirits who then say to them we re your backup. two weeks later, they start poisoning wells and lighting fires. and the revolution is on. and the white french are freaked because the africans have this multipronged rebellion. by 1804, they liberate the country and declared independence. they abolished slavery, and they make every haitian person a free citizen who is eligible to work the land and be equal. so in a sense, vodou becomes this force for liberation. it was unthinkable to the west, to france that a non-christian power could overcome a christian power. that conflict is still gog on. the idea of this conflict between christianity and vodou and what it means for the island. so the evangelicals think that vodou is demonic.
they sacrificed a pig, they took an oath together that they would fight the french. they d get possessed by their spirits who then say to them, we re your back-up. two weeks later they start poisoning wells and lighting fires and the revolution is on and the white french are freaked because the africans have this multi-pronged rebellion. by 1804, they liberate the country and declare it independent, they apolish slavery, and they make every haitian person a free citizen who is eligible to, you know, work the land and be equal. so in a sense, vodou becomes this force for liberation. it was unthinkable to the west, to france, that a non-christian power could overcome a christian power. tha conflict is still going on, the idea of this conflict between christianity and vodou and what it means for the
they took an oath together that they would fight the french. they get possessed by their spirits who then say to them we re your backup. two weeks later, they start poisoning wells and lighting fires. and the revolution is on. and the white french are freaked because the africans have this multipronged rebellion. by 1804, they liberate the country and declared independence. they abolished slavery, and they make every haitian person a free citizen who is eligible to work the land and be equal. so in a sense, vodou becomes this force for liberation. it was unthinkable to believe to the west, to france that a non-christian power could overcome a christian power. that conflict is still going on. the idea of this conflict between christianity and vodou and what it means for the island. so the evangelicals think that vodou is demonic. they looked at the ceremony and
health care bill but wasn t paid for. these two guys just don t like each other. listen to paul ryan talking earlier i mentioned that about the president s budget meaningless vote on the paul speech. ryan budget. the house voted to pass it. we need leadership. of course, that s the end of we don t need a doubling down on that. the failed politics of the past. the democratic controlled senate would have none of it. the president along with every this is very sad and very democratic senator who can talk, all of them have panned paul unfortunate. rather than building bridges, ryan s opus. he s poisoning wells. one more example of how impossibly divided the two sides by failing seriously to confront are. one of the congressmen who strongly supports the ryan bill the most predictable economic is jack kingston of georgia. crisis in our nation s history, the president s policies are i spoke with him a short time ago. committing us and our children to a diminished future. congressman, th
come on. that s the reaction. go ahead. alan, the political demagoguery in its form. and outlined the strategy of the president, let people like paul ryan and republicans lead and then we ll demagogue them until election day and that s what the president will do and he has the all too willing media na the just for the record, paul ryan did not advocate poisoning wells. that s what he said the president wants to do, jim. and as a figure of speech, alan, not oh, i see. jon: he s not building bridges, he s poisoning wells, come on. that s what he said. i m saying that what he said. and these father mongering. mark halperin made a great point, that if the unamerican,