industry. it s about all the millions of jobs that we support that are dependent on connectivity and aviation and getting people from point a to b. and so this was not only about saving the aviation industry. it was about saving an industry that is a critical cog in the u.s. in the global economy. reporter: american airline c.e.o. doug parker says another reason why these problems will not happen again at its airline is that it is aggressively hiring, adding 16,000 jobs in 2021, 18,000 planned for 2022. we will see if this all works going into the massive holiday rush. the tsa anticipates huge numbers. we just saw 2 million people pass through security at america s airports this past sunday. united airlines says its passenger loads are 20% greater, it says, for the holiday season compared to thanksgiving when we saw a record set for the pandemic. the most passengers since march of 2020, 2.45 million people at
we actually really believe that the policies that we support make a difference. and that that is maybe not as passionate a message or delivered in as exciting a way. but it s nevertheless true. behind the scenes, democratic governors are worried though that the party is going too far left. is that a reasonable fear? i think the fear is around being pragmatic at the end of the day. i think the people in wisconsin want to see issues resolved. and pragmaticism i think will carry the day. but i think any one of the 20 plus running for president they have to be pragmatic, think about how we get from point a to b. which of the candidates are doing well in a place like pennsylvania. i think it s still unfolding. but, again. who do you like. i m staying out of this entirely. who do you like. i m happy with every single one of them. i just want everyone to come to wisconsin before the primary. yeah with, because sometimes people will take you guys for granted. absolutely
the world has been on the move since the canoe was invented in 8000 b.c. fast forward to the 21st century and mobility has changed rapidly in addition to the convenience of getting from point a to b. it s becoming just as important to measure the cost of that commute on the environment having a clean alternative to traditional polluting vehicles is becoming a reality for people who drive electric ones which could replace gasoline or diesel . so our electric vehicles a feasible alternative in the automotive sector is a leading source of polluting emissions and is responsible for 30 to 50 percent of all particulate emissions. t.v. s are silent smooth and have no gears. they require less maintenance. they can be charged using a dedicated home charging unit or a public charging station. electricity as
a lot of manufacturers of scooters and the batteries they need. the necessary impulses to get those. now the school does run on the lithium ion battery the same kind the fault was your wife for instance but how the electric vehicles were once about question and. the world has been on the move since the canoe was invented in 8000 b.c. fast forward to the 21st century and mobility has changed rapidly in addition to the convenience of getting from point a to b. it s becoming just as important to measure the cost of that commute on the environment having a clean alternative to traditional polluting vehicles is becoming a reality for people who drive electric ones which could replace gasoline or diesel
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