September is shaping up to be a month of working smarter and not harder. This month, Microsoft introduced their collaboration applications into model-driven Power Apps as well as inline (bulk) editing. SharePoint Syntex is also utilizing Power Automate to populate Microsoft Word templates, and P .
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The adage when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail is certainly the case for enterprise collaboration. Collaboration product vendors often claim their products do it all, but the reality is collaboration comes in many forms and so far, one size fits none.
The MIT Sloan Management Review article Picking the Right Approach to Digital Collaboration spotlighted two prevalent forms of organizational collaboration scenarios: teams-based activity between close colleagues and sporadic activities, when people look for answers and expertise across a broader circle of potential collaborators.
Chat and task management tools like Basecamp, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Chatter and Workplace best suit teams collaboration while sporadic collaboration is best addressed using âbroadcast toolsâ which allow people to share information with the entire organization (or to a group), like you would do in Facebook. While these are two common