Is tasked with digging into the counts of the kingdoms critics well well keep using all of them anyway right lets wish the industry pioneers well in wherever the volution takes them in the new year. Some of the key moments of 29 there youre watching are to international were going to cross the some more great programs in moments that im back at the top with your start of the week news headlines. Lives. Lists lists lists. Looked. Very well continue watching on since last. Hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered on Peter Lavelle it is a long held tradition on cross talk to take stock of the year that is about to pass we have a look at what moved us what changed us and what gave us concern us 2019 the good the bad and the ugly. Crosswalk in the year that was im joined by my guest robert bridge hes an arty website writer we also have Dimitri Bobbitt she is a political analyst and editor at internet media project and in nicosia we Cross Alex Cross before he is the dir
Russia gate. And the story line i can get i think the biggest story is abstain the absolute is the nation of the news here robert you know its a lot happened this year what strikes you because i said in the introduction the good the bad and the ugly when you think the ugly id have to say the impeachment proceedings that are going on against trump this is just its unbelievable that you know the crimes and really this i think a lot of people are starting to wake up to the fact that the democrats what theyre doing is just going after trump like this to hide their own crimes ok theyre really trying to avoid jail time here are you go back all the way back to 2000 youre talking about this in any. Administration with Hillary Clinton 33000. 00 missing emails i mean its just theyre basically constantly trying to cover up with more and more lies with russia gate with the impeachment theyre trying to cover up their own crimes that they committed and theyre afraid of going to jail and i think the
Get it go ahead alex. Yeah i agree with that assessment peter i think the main theme of 2019 was really the disconnect between what the media what the elites the globalists the permanent state the deep state whatever you want to call it what they try to tell us what they try to convince us of and what the people are interpreted as true in fact by doing their own research by going to their own alternative news media sources and trying to find the truth on their own time and no 3 stories represent that more i think that breaks it then you Ukraine Russia gate. And the story line i can get i think the biggest story is abstain the epstein is ation of the news here robert you know its a lot happened this year what strikes you because i said in the introduction the good the bad and the ugly when you think the ugly id have to say the pietschmann proceedings that are going on against trump this is just its unbelievable that you know the crimes and really this i think a lot of people are startin
Pace continues at a greater speed here but if im taking stock here it seems to me the disconnect between the liberal liberal media in the liberal elites with everybody else because we kind of stretches out you know brags that 2016 that was a one off trump 20068 that was a one off and now its go to this year the election thats a one off you know its not this is a trend thats going on here and were all told no no no no that this is not a trend these are one offs i think that 2019 was the year hey dont you finally get it go ahead alex. Yeah i agree with that assessment peter i think the main theme of 2019 was really the disconnect between what the media what the elites the globalists the permanent state the deep state whatever you want to call it what they try to tell us what they try to convince us of and what the people are interpreted as true in fact by doing their own research by going to their own alternative news media sources and trying to find the truth on their own time and no 3
Pace continues at a greater speed here but if im taking stock here it seems to me the disconnect between the liberal liberal media in the liberal elites with everybody else because we kind of stretches out you know brags that 2016 that was a one off trump 20068 that was a one off and now its go to this year the election thats a one off you know its not this is a trend thats going on here and were all told no no no no this is not a trend these are one offs i think that 2019 was the year hey dont you finally get it go ahead alex. Yeah i agree with that assessment peter i think the main theme of 2019 was really the disconnect between what the media what the elites the globalists the permanent state the deep state whatever you want to call it what they try to tell us what they try to convince us of and what the people are interpreted as true in fact by doing their own research by going to their own alternative news media sources and trying to find the truth on their own time and no 3 stori