investigative reporter. she is live down at dow the southern border with title . forty two , now about to expire . the rush across this borderrh will be unlike anything we have ever seen, which, by the way, is a lot to say after the last two and a half years of joe biden open borders, senator ted cruz and former vice president mike pence will ber te on the show tonight. now, we do begin with major news from capitol hill housean oversight committee chairman james comey. he ll joind in a minute. hill, just detailed a series of explosive allegations against the biden family syndicate, including new details involving, yeah, joey,en the big guy himself. now, comber will be here for an interview in just about a moment, but here s what wed wt are learning from his ongoing investigation. now, this is thelearn from begig of this investigation. this is an interim reporg oft ft based on financial documents reviewed by his committee.basedn reviewed by his committee.basedn the biden f
vice president in fact, the money stops flowing from l soonl after joe biden leaves the viceo presidency. this is a pattern of influence peddling. and so joe biden left office. the money stopped flowing. oh, what a shocking coincidence . anyway, just so we re very clear , when biden was vice e president , his family wasto b raking in millions and millionsh of dollars from countries where biden was the point person forwa us policy. s we re not talking about englan d, no and france. this is money flowing fromy flow some of the most corrupt placesn on the on the planet. eastern europe, russia, kazakhstan, romania, china, and of course, we all know about ukraine fire the prosecutor or you re not getting a billion dollars. you have six hours to do it.n hourhave six hours to do it.n they fired the prosecutor investigating his son , hunter biden, who had no experience with the ukraine oil energy, gas at all whatsoever.o
about? d. how much money? what did joe know? when did he know? m and did heon personally profit?o and did he create policy, make policy decisions? based on the moneys that weresen coming in? a lot of question s. t yeahhe, you pretty much pretty much laid it all out. lookai, let me simplify this. this is an organized criminal enterprise eyes with all of the hallmarks of corruption, tax evasion and money laundering. joe biden is the front manront n hunter. biden is the bagman. joe biden is vice president ,n s goes into countries where he d influence as a vice president and he goes in as represented of our country,er the greatest country on earth, wrapped in the fla gl th of the united states and all of the power and the prestige anthat is attendant to that. and he goes in and he lectures in romania about anti-corruption. he goes in through the frontgo door. but at the baces in the frk door biden with his bag collectingdei the cashth.