Here's a whole wave full of news from OB and PL - but from mid-October 2023 during the period the Rag was "down." Update on Possible Sale of Waters Edge Church City Pays Out $8M to Man Injured While Police Detained Him in 2019 in the Midway Camaro Crashes Into Sunset Cliffs House Midway Roommate…
Here's a whole wave full of news from OB and PL - but from mid-October 2023 during the period the Rag was "down." Update on Possible Sale of Waters Edge Church City Pays Out $8M to Man Injured While Police Detained Him in 2019 in the Midway Camaro Crashes Into Sunset Cliffs House Midway Roommate…
First United Methodist Church in Mission Valley, the parent church for Water's Edge, wants to terminate the Water's Edge congregation after 90 plus years, and sell the church. Water's Edge church formerly Point Loma United Methodist at 1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd has for a number of years been functioning as a community center,…
First United Methodist Church in Mission Valley, the parent church for Water's Edge, wants to terminate the Water's Edge congregation after 90 plus years, and sell the church. Water's Edge church formerly Point Loma United Methodist at 1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd has for a number of years been functioning as a community center,…