type of credit can add to people s existing debt burden. when we looked at data from one major bank, and we looked at their customers who took buy now, pay later, one in ten of those customers were already in arrears when they took on a buy now pay later loan. and that for us is really good evidence that at the moment, that proper affordability isn t being checked at this point in the market. instead of at that point - knuckling down, paying off, you know, my debt and kind of sorting myself out - i essentially turned to buy now pay later services instead. when i started first using klarna, it was out of necessity because of the fact that i didn t have the credit card available to me because at the time it was maxed out. so, pretty much, when i started using buy now pay later services, i already had credit card debt. i had about £1,500 on one credit card, another for 500, and an overdraft for 1,000. so, all in,