by the united states and the europeans. these are people who were involved in nuclear procurement the last self years. it earned them the treasury designation. they will now be allowed back on to the system. they are no longer going to be punished for this activity. on top of that the banks will be open to them. the swiss messaging system will be open to them. it will be a a free-for-all for the ioc. jenna: can they have access to a lot of money to buy bad weapons? i think the answer to that is no. even under the system we are operating under now as jonathon points out we were already able to identify individual and entities involved in illicit activities. that activity doesn t disappear
there, there are electronic monitoring devices. digital cameras taking measurements. if they were to increase from 3% to 5% the iaea would know instantly at declared facilities. jenna: we have seen iran not only attempt to make their own nuclear material they say not for nuclear weapons. we have reports of them working with north korea and russia and shopping around for nuclear material. even if iran follows what deal says will be done can iran go out and buy what they need for a nuclear weapon today? it s certainly possible. part of the problem i see with this deal is the number of is rammic revolutionary guard companies, businesses and individual that will be delisted
growth rising by 2%. this while presidential candidate bernie sanders is getting traction on the campaign trail. leaders from washington are not taking their eyes off the ball. i want to talk about economic policies that address the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality in america. and the need to create an economy that works for all of us and not just a handful of billionaires. jenna: the author of a new book the conservative affair. nice to have you back with us. before we get to that, you have an interesting personal journey. how did you get to being the
up being a decent moment for unity. by and large this country does want to stay in the eu and the euro. we ll know later today. jenna: one cold case is turning red hot as police are set to announce significant developments in the case of these two sisters who vanished 40 years ago from a shopping mall. do you support the iran nuclear agreement? what question would you have for the president. let s go to now and join the conversation.
what do you think of bernie sanders what he says about the economy. i talk about this a lot in the work. bernie sanders is saying that conservatives and republicans and free end prize advocates don t have a heart that they just care about billionaires and lowering their taxes. if you love the poor you have to stop talking about income inequality and start talking about opportunity equality. if you do what bernie sanders says is progressive elite ideas that people who are rich and left wing have. jenna: talk about the way you can give equal opportunity. you have to focus on work. i think it s important to have a safety net before it should only be for the poor and always be with work and all of our policies should be oriented toward counting every person as