sit here, the more uncomfortable it will make jay. if you lose a television show, there s a part of you that feels rejected by america. and now jay leno! thank you very much. it is good to be home. good to be home. good to be home, kev. i m jay leno. your host, at least for a while. when we went back at 11:30, there was nothing, oh yea, about it. it was just march on. here we go. we really were determined to do a great show and prove that we were worthy to be back. that was my goal, to walk out of there number one again.
here is a strange thing in the wall street journal today. toys r us has announced they might sell their toy division. so we was toys, is that their new name? we started out by doing jokes that were completely nonpolitical, non-september 11th. and then you started to be able the make jokes about the tangential things. there was the taliban. things are not looking good for the taliban. today one of their top commanders took a head count. only half of his guys had one. and then the idea of osama bin laden himself when we found out he had 55 brothers and sisters, and he was 27th. it s always the middle child that causes the problems. leno has the fun, easy going vibe. and he is just like the every man type of comedian. jay talks like most people talk, you know. and i think they completely related to that. how many commandments are there? ten.
i would rather follow an hour of the tonight show than half hour of nightline. and five years or whatever when jay was done, i would move into the 11:30 slot. i said to nbc, would you release me from my contract? they said no, we want to keep you here. okay. what are your ideas? nbc wasn t doing well in prime time. so, we had an idea to strip a variety show across our 10:00 hour. they tell us we re going to give jay a prime time show at nbc. and i think one of us asked, which night? and they said, every night. every night? monday through friday? at 10:00? yes. wait, what? and we all just looked at each other like, this makes no sense.
i asked jay what does he think about all this. and they came to me and said we don t want to lose conan o brien. okay, what does that mean? i laid out this five-year plan to him. i think he understood what we were trying to get at. and there was nobody in my time at nbc who was ever more of a team player than jay leno. you know, this show is like a dynasty. you hold it and hand it off to the next person. i don t want to see the fighting and who s better and nasty stuff and the back and forth in the press. so here it is right now. conan, it s yours. see you in five years. jay congratulated me and it all felt friendly and good-natured. we kept them both at nbc. we kept them off of the competition and ensured nbc s continued dominance in late night for yet another five years. by that time we know that jay would have had an incredibly long run, and i think everybody thought it was a brilliant
reporters. it s not even believable. jay stepped in there, dug himself out of that hole. and that s amazing because the pie has been cut up so much. we did four more years, and then we d come to the end of our run. thank you. i i don t like good-byes. nbc does. i don t care. i don t i don t care. as sad as it was that it ended, i felt really good walking out of there. when people say to me, hey, why don t you go to abc? why don t you go to fox? why don t you go? i didn t know anybody there. these are the only people i ve ever known. we had all been through a lot together. grown up together. matured together. and it was an emotional moment. i love jay. he is such a kind person. i never saw jay treat anyone poorly.