Whether an element of social transformation is built into the interventions that will address the governance issues. You, thank you for your attention and im looking forward to comments and questions. Thank you, dr. Lee. Before i ask my first question as the moderator, i just want to encourage the panelists if they have comments on each others remarks, i would welcome any ne followup on those. I encourage a discussion here also between the panelists and also as the same way we engage with the audience. Esting one thing you said which i think was very interesting is that two things actually. One was demonstrating the cost of violence as potentially productive and that theres note this link between poverty and lr support for extremism. Something that we see very clearly in several years of tann survey Research Across pakistan in all parts of the country, so not an arab country but a it country that suffers tremendous amounts of Political Violence that generally it is the poor who are mos
Here are a few of the book festivals we will be covering on book tv. We will visit maryland for live coverage of the gaithersburg book festival with congressman tom davis and martin frost. We will close out may at book expo america where the industry showcases their upcoming books. And we are live for the printers row literature fest including our indepth program with glitter prizewinning author Lawrence Wright and your phone calls. Vice President Biden delivered remarks thursday evening at israel plus 67th Independence Day celebration. He talked about the long history and friendship between the u. S. And israel. The Vice President touched on the Iran Nuclear Framework agreement, warning that if iran does not follow through with guidelines, there would be no deal. This is about 40 minutes. [applause] our program will begin with the singing of the national anthem. The starspangled banner [indiscernible] the former lead singer of the Israel Defense force band. [singing the starspangled b
Members for a shortterm debt ceiling increase. However, this is very far from a done deal. The market is reacting to the upside, but analysts that im talking to say this is mostly Short Covering by those who were betting that we would go right up to the debt ceiling. So this is a market you want to be extremely careful in. The Dow Jones Industrial average up 237 points. The nasdaq is up 73. A full 2 move. The s p 500 is up 27 points. And while our political leaders try to hammer out the deal, the shutdown and the debt threat is having a very real impact on average americans. Many are fearing about the loans that they have, their savings, their 401 k . So in the next 30 minutes, were going to answer your concerns and your questions. We already have some of them, but you can add to them by going to twitter and facebook facebook, askcnbc. Joining me is michael, president of seaborn Mortgage Corporation along with c nchnbcs Sharon Epperson and jean chatzky. Were so glad to have you here. T
What is the boards mesh you . Er motion to approve. Second. Any discussion . All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Thank you. Ms. Gilbert. Moving on to item 10. 5, authorizing the director to execute a termination agreement with the city of San Francisco Downtown Parking corporation for the fifth mission garage, and execute agreements with vendors, consultants, and commercial tenants. Directors, in addition to a member of the public wishing to address you, staff also requested that the item be severed. They would request that you amend the resolution to add language to one of the result clauses that would state it would add the following language. On term substantially similar to the enclosed agreement. So, the further resolve clause would read the San Francisco transportation authorizes the director to execute a termination agreement with the San Francisco Downtown Parking [speaker not understood] insert language, on terms substantially similar to the enclosed agreement and execute agr
Will be sentenced in Community Service or whatever. And for those individuals who do need some measure of control and supervision to deal about deal with their conviction problems, its not going to happen at the misdemeanor level. Let me go to a couple of the questions from the audience. Ive shared them with our District Attorney. George, two questions there, one related to whether or not drug possession should be treated differently for adults than from juveniles. And then a question about back on track, whether or not that program would be positively or adversely affected by senator lenos proposal. Yes, let me start with the first question concerning juveniles. I think juveniles definitely need to be treated differently, and certainly here in San Francisco, we do. We very seldom in fact, i know for a fact weve not criminalized simple possession drugs. Theres a lot of other vehicles we use to deal with juveniles before it ever gets to a prosecution for possession of drugs. And i think