pressure to go because the media covered it so much about him not visiting the troops. therefore, we are readinghe mins at this point init terms of the president s motive around this. three, the bias of omission. rarely have i seen any reports, or it s been buried, that the first lady, whose footwear was actually mocked. she wore timberlands. what also you supposed to wear to a war zone? no one talks about the fact that the first lady melania trump is the first first lady to visit a war conflict zone since 1969, lady bird johnson. you don t read about that, i can guarantee you that we had michelle obama, any bush, that would have been covered. those are your three themes. gregg: i spent a couple of months in iraq in 2003, right after the outset of the war, and i wore timberlands. good thing the media didn t figure that out. congressman, what is your take on all this? without a doubt, gregg, happy new year. you were seeing a media that will pick apart anything that