MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: March 5, 2021
We want to thank Save our Marsh for sharing their thoughts with Point Edwards (see the Feb. 24 letter here) and to thank the Edmonds community as well for their questions and comments. Point Edwards Homeowners Association and Landscape Team, in conjunction with Certified Arboricultural and Biological Experts, have submitted an application for a Type III-A Landscape Modification Permit to be able to work on a small portion of the PE complex. The project does not propose any new development, will not change the slope or stormwater movement, and will not create any impervious surfaces. Instead, the entire goal is to positively influence the landscape by responsible tree work, and then careful replanting.
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: February 24, 2021 1185
Save Our Marsh sent the following letter to the Point Edwards Homeowners Association and requested that it also be published as a letter to the editor
To: Point Edwards Homeowners Association
We urge you to revisit your Landscape Management Plan with an eye towards the adverse as well as beneficial aspects of vegetation management on wildlife in the area. We appreciate the desire to maintain views of the beautiful environs around Point Edwards, and only ask that your landscape planning take into account and “balance” the value of trees for life history needs of wildlife (as well as human health) with property owner desires for open views.