explanation they gave was that we accept donations. as you can imagine, we are probably not the only business in a country that accepts donations from people who watched the show, for example, or any other reason. but watched the show, for example, or any other reason. any other reason. but were not necessarily any other reason. but were not necessarily talking any other reason. but were not necessarily talking about i any other reason. but were not i necessarily talking about donations of 50 quid, were talking about larger donations and you think that set up a red flag because of the possibility of money laundering or whatever? possibility of money-laundering or whatever? ., , ., whatever? there was no money-laundering i whatever? there was no money-laundering in i whatever? there was no i money-laundering in bowl. i m whatever? there was no money-laundering in bowl. i m not su: caestin money-laundering in bowl. i m not suggesting there money-laundering in bowl. i m not sugge
it s difficult to know how many others may have had their bank accounts closed because of their political views or beliefs nigel farage has suggested there are thousands but i m joined now by the host of the triggernometry podcast, konstantin kisin, who fears that may have happened to him too. thank you forjoining us. you banked with tied bank. how long have you have the account? with tied bank. how long have you have the account? maybe a year and a half. and nothing have the account? maybe a year and a half. and nothing had have the account? maybe a year and a half. and nothing had been have the account? maybe a year and a half. and nothing had been flagged i half. and nothing had been flagged to ou half. and nothing had been flagged to you before? half. and nothing had been flagged to you before? no. half. and nothing had been flagged to you before? no. so half. and nothing had been flagged to you before? no. so suddenly- half. and nothing had been flagged| to you be
by other select committees and by academics and campaigners. professor penney lewis. academics and campaigners. professor penney lewis, thank academics and campaigners. professor penney lewis, thank you academics and campaigners. professor penney lewis, thank you very - academics and campaigners. professor penney lewis, thank you very much. i coming up on the programme. # nothing compares # nothing compares # nothing compares to # nothing compares to you # nothing compares to you .# we remember the iconic irish singer sinead o connor who died today. we ll talk to amanda palmer, the former lead singer of the dresden dolls. the bosses of uk s largest banks and building societies met the economic secretary to the treasury, andrew griffith, today, after a bruising fortnight for the sector. the news that coutts the luxury bank owned by natwest terminated the account of nigel farage, in part, because of opposition to his political beliefs, has domianted headlines. natwest s chief e