now t, congressman, certainly we can do things to help ukraine without getting involved in aic full scale military conflict with russia. but we appreciate your leadership on this. joining me now is peter schweizer, author redhanded new bestseller how american elites get richh helping china win. peter, you were on the podcast d with me and we discussed this , but we got toot get into this aspect of the big tech connection in bedco with china. remarkable stories in this book, especially involving markz zuckerberg and bill gates. what do weucuc needwh to know? , yeah, m i mean, mark zuckerberg has long coveted a relationship with china and he has these bizarre overtures. one ofrr the stories i recount in the book is that the chief c propagandist forhi the chineseis communist party actually visits mark zuckerberg at facebookit c headquarters in california. zuckerberg givesalbe them a touf the entire building, then brings them back to his office.e the chief propaganda sits downt