LE MARS Plymouth County is seeking more than $1.8 million in federal dollars to help pay for a road project. On Tuesday, Feb. 21, the Board of Supervisors approved a request to apply for $1,820,000.
LE MARS Plymouth County political entities and citizens are awaiting the new assessed valuations of property, and they will soon have them. Gov. Kim Reynolds signed Senate File 181 on Monday, Feb..
LE MARS The low bid for constructing a culvert as part of an effort to extend North First Avenue in Hinton was awarded at Tuesday's Plymouth County Board of Supervisors meeting. Richards.
LE MARS Plymouth County has a lot of roads and bridges, and they require a lot of county employees to maintain and repair them. In fact, there are 365 miles of paved roads in the county and about.
LE MARS A troubled section of Talbot Road in the southwest corner of Plymouth County will be closed. The Plymouth County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved closing the middle section of the.