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to see it and feel something to be able to at least hold over the senate s head. chuck, do you think before this process anybody in america knew how powerful the cbo director and the parliamentarian we are really watching the way it s the triumph of the nerds, guys. and i don t mean you. reporter: in 2000, america got a history lesson about the electoral college. well, now in 2010 we re getting a history lesson of how parliamentary rule the parliamentary system of governing takes place in the legislative branches. it s a good thing in the long run not a bad thing, that s for sure. the house is channelling ronald reagan, trust and verify. thank you very much. you can catch chuck and his co-host, savannah guthrie, every morning at 9:00 here on msnbc, the daily rundown. coming up, so much for the adage make new friends but keep the old. the growing friendship with the tea party not going over so well with republican colleagues. politico s jim van deheim joins us next.