look at kevin mccarthy. minus 19 points. that is even weaker than newt gingrich in 94 when he was minus 9 points. the rest are in positive territory. nancy pelosi at the top of the list at plus 18 points. republicans always love to run against nancy pelosi. democrats especially after this week i think they are licking their chops. they can t wait to run against kevin mccarthy because the fact is, he is an incoming speaker who is just not popular at all. so what does his popularity look like among members of the republican party? i think this kind of gets at why republicans, you know, republican leaders had such a hard time essentially putting pressure on those republicans on the right flank to get behind mccarthy. his net favorability rating is positive, plus 30 points. that is good but not exactly great. you know, again, look at some of
let s take a look at the net favorability ratings of potential first time speakers, favorable versus non-favorable. kevin mccarthy with a minus 19 net favorability rate, by far the lost on potential first-time speakers going all the way back since about 30 years ago. he s not anywhere close to nancy pelosi who was at plus 18 and newt gingrich in 1984 was at minus 9 points so kevin mccarthy really not popular among the republican at large. let s zoom in on republicans because that s what this floor fight tomorrow could all be about. let s take a look at the net favorability ratings of potential first-time speakers among members of their own party. kevin mccarthy is far better liked among republicans than adults at large, plus 30 points, but, again, that s kind of near the bottom of list. only newt gingrich was less liked, so, you know, this idea, maybe there will be a groundswell of support for kevin
mccarthy from the grass roots that might push the republicans iffy on him over the edge. this is like we like kevin mccarthy but we don t love him. this is not what you would expect for the groundswell of support. one nugget that i ll point out. remember, kevin mccarthy faced this before. back in late 2015 there was this idea that kevin mccarthy would succeed john boehner in the house and just couldn t do it. couldn t generate enough support among the republican caucus so the good news for him he s much better liked now at plus 30 points than he was back in 2015 at plus two points. these are not great numbers. they are okay. okay. okay. only kevin, is that what you re trying to say? we have one day before the vote so walk us through some of the math that s needed. yeah. we ve been talking about this because at the end of the day this is all a math game, math, math, math. what does kevin mccarthy need to become speaker? keep in mind that right now
pile on in the mid 1990s. the fact is, you look at independent, you look at overall, those numbers are weak, weak, weak. how about pulling within mccarthy s? group here is some good news for kevin mccarthy. among republicans, first time how speakers, net favorable rating just before they became speaker amongst our own party. what you see is kevin mccarthy s net favorable rating is plus 30. it s more republicans have a favorable than unfavorable view of him. by about 30. points, again that s really weak amongst a group. you look at someone like john bayne, nancy pelosi, you re talking about net favorables that are plus 60 points. even among republicans, kevin mccarthy struggling to get that coalition for two and 18 points on the. you see the same thing amongst the voters. or more republicans like him the knot. but again, the numbers historically speaking are quite weak. how about for the house minority leader? yeah, another way to try and
company in a way that reflects american values. and so he tweeted out a couple days ago the fact that san francisco, the city that the headquarters is in was investigating, investigating headquarters and said, look, come to miami, we re a city that believes in the american experiment and american dream and we would love to have someone like him and have twitter headquarte miami and create high-paying jobs, number one in the nation in tech job growth and doing that at the same time, while converted miami dade from plus 30 democrat county in 2016 to plus 10 republican county in 2022. we have invited your people to miami and it hasn t changed politics for the worse, it changed politics for the better. carley: have you heard back from elon musk? i m sure it would be 28er to run out of miami than san francisco