California lawmakers are trying to strengthen protections against doxxing, which is publishing someone’s personal information online with the intent to harm. We learn about a new bill that would let victims sue. In other news, lots of people still rely on landlines for phone service, especially in rural areas. But there's a motion before the California Public Utilities Commission that could mean the end of them. Plus, April is Autism Awareness Month, and there is a new show opening this weekend that recognizes the lives of people on the spectrum.
Wednesday morning will be comfortable across Northern California as temperatures continue to drop. Rain and snow are also forecast to return later in the week.
“They basically build up an ecosystem that’s resilient to fire through the vegetation mosaic, then keep it really well watered so it never dries out, never becomes easy to burn.”
The list, published every year by California's Department of Housing and Community Development, divides the income limits into six categories ranging from "acutely low" to "moderate."